
Tymczasem są dostępne 55 recenzje z 1 strony (stron). Średnia ocena dla Chez Alice wynosi 3.7, co sugeruje, że zdecydowana większość gości była zadowolona z jej obsługi.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
3.7 z 5
Bardzo dobry | 55 Opinie

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3.4 ★ z 5 Opinie

Very beautiful and easy to welcome, good reception and food.

Good cuisine afrcaine an exceptional braise chicken. Outdoor space.

At Alice's, it's cool. You think you want to eat gogo

Already I don't know the establishment well but already seen are location I give this note because I know we could do full of good

Very well for all those who are leaving for Noé or Abidjan. It is located in the corridor of Assouba