
Aktualnie możesz skorzystać z 378 ocenionych 1 stron (strony). Średnia ocena dla Kitabu Wassunna to 3.7, co wskazuje, że zdecydowana większość gości była zadowolona z jej obsługi.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
3.7 z 5
Bardzo dobry | 378 Opinie

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2.8 ★ z 5 Opinie

Quite ok though light food is preferable.

It is a nice restaurant inside the filling station with the same name. Their food is not bad, but the waiter and waitresses are not friendly. They need to do be...

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Nice tea and delicious food

It is a bit busy but ok

Alhamdullah it was ok, even though we arrived a little bit early and it was during Xmas festivities. Based on my assumption there's no much demand as of then. R...

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