
Obecnie masz do dyspozycji 4 ocenę z 3 strony (stron). Średnia ocena dla Rotiseria Y Heladeria La Familia wynosi 5, co oznacza, że ta restauracja jest niezwykle dobrze oceniana przez swoich gości?.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
5 z 5
Wyróżniający się | 4 Opinie

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5.0 ★ z 2 Opinie
02.05.2024 - 19:10

Excellent attention!!!! And the best empanadas we've eaten in years, absolutely homemade and exquisite!!! Fabulous dessert ice cream! We'll be back soon.

02.05.2024 - 19:10

Very good option to buy. The business is super varied and they have very good prices. The food they make on site is super delicious and they also have ice cream...

Czytaj więcej
5.0 ★ z 2 Opinie

very good option to buy. the business is super varied and has very good prices. the food they make in the local is super rich and also have ice cream in the sum...

Czytaj więcej

Excellent attention! and the best empanadas we've eaten in years, absolutely homemade and exquisite! the fabulous dessert ice cream! We'll be back soon.

5.0 ★ z 2 Opinie

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