
Tymczasem są dostępne 377 ewaluacje z 1 strony (stron). Średnia ocena dla Brick Barrio Mitre wynosi 4.2, co sugeruje, że goście bardzo wysoko oceniają tę restaurację.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
4.2 z 5
Imponujący | 377 Opinie

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4.8 ★ z 5 Opinie

Amazing food and service. Everything was great!

Good place, quiet and pleasant atmosphere. Very good food and attention too. Prices accessible. They have a very convenient day menu and include dessert and cof...

Czytaj więcej

We had a good dinner. Tickets give you some very good rustic potatoes. The dish of the day is abundant, the glazing of bondiola. Send them a delicacy. Good pans...

Czytaj więcej

Nice atmosphere with a very well reached decoration, excellent service and very good quality dishes, instead of recommended! !!!

The place is very nice, well decorated and well served. We had lunch on the dish of the day that was the lasagna of vegetables and ham and cheese, which was ver...

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