
Aktualnie oferujemy 280 oceny z 1 strony (stron). Średnia ocena dla Yuan Hua wynosi 3.9, co znaczy, że zdecydowana większość gości była zadowolona z jej obsługi.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
3.9 z 5
Bardzo dobry | 280 Opinie

Recenzje z różnych stron internetowych

2.8 ★ z 5 Opinie

The Chinese rice was very good and the atmosphere is good, the service is fast and cheap. I recommend

The food is very rich! I only give him three stars because they don't have the delivery service. You can't call to order and pick up.

The prices are super high, the food of poor quality and the attention, I do not recommend them

The service is not very good, they put mortadella on special rice and not ham and other small things, 2 stars, because the atmosphere is not bad.

I liked the place, I had been like three years without eating Chinese food. The food is good. It's not super spectacular, but it's good. They serve fast, and th...

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Dobrze oceniane restauracje w pobliżu San Jose de Guanipa

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