
Aktualnie oferujemy 1223 oceny z 5 strony (stron). Średnia ocena dla Benny's Astoria Pizzaria wynosi 4.5, co znaczy, że ta restauracja jest niezwykle dobrze oceniana przez swoich gości?.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
4.5 z 5
Wyróżniający się | 1223 Opinie

Recenzje z różnych stron internetowych

4.0 ★ z 14 Opinie
02.08.2023 - 04:44

Work took me to Shoal Lake for one day, and our dinner was spent at Benny's Astoria Pizzaria, where I had some absolutely wonderful, home-made-with-love pizza,...

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02.08.2023 - 04:44

First day very good pizza and service, next visit owner was very snappy to his servers, swearing at times. Our chicken came very overcooked and pizza very very...

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02.08.2023 - 04:44

A little paradise in north western Manitoba. Dropped in for a bite during a business trip and ordered the Calzone for a late lunch, early dinner. I was very gla...

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02.08.2023 - 04:44

Team had a great buffet with baked spaghetti, pizza, and salad. No shortage of food and pizzas are great with extra ingredients plus great price. Great friendly...

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02.08.2023 - 04:44

We ate 2 pizzas the night we came to town and they were very good so we thought we would go back. This night the owner was in the kitchen and we ordered a pizza...

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4.4 ★ z 159 Opinie
INT Restaurants
4.6 ★ z 953 Opinie

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